An analytical approach to relate shot peen forming parameters to resulting curvature with expanding cavity model

Author:  X.D. Xiao, Y.J. Wang, G.Q. Gao, J.B. Wang, S.M. Wei
Source:  Conf Proc 2014: ICSP-12 Goslar, Germany (pgs.330-335)
Doc ID:  2014098
Year of Publication:  2014
For shot peen forming process, it is essential to determine the forming parameters for forming a specific component shape and to predict the resulting shape with planned parameters. A large number of physical experiments are usually involved to determine the relationships between the parameters and the shape. An analytical approach with expanding cavity model is proposed to predict the resulting curvatures for various peen forming parameters. The predicted stress fields for one-shot impacting are in good agreement with simulated results. For multiple-shot impacting, the shots are considered in regular distribution and the stress fields induced by these shots overlap in the elastic regions. The peening coverage is calculated from the separation distance of the adjacent shots and the shot dimple size. The relationships between the resulting curvature of plate and different peening coverage values are predicted and compared with experiments. The calculated results are consistent with the experimental results.

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